Wednesday 15 June 2011

The bridge

The bridge

People would enter from the valley floor,  at the centre land formation of the V, into the dining space, here they can use the elevators to go to other Gaga or Ive's building.  Which will rest on the adjacent land formations of the Kings River Valley inspired land formation. Additionally the vertical lines represent flowing water, which would cover the three walls of the roof that overhang the dining space. 
A closer look at the water feature, which acts as a wall to the dining space. I wanted to use this idea which i was inspired by one of the lectures, where I saw a similar feature. 

The overhang is much further out, so the water would not effect the dining space. 

The bridge- Jonathan Ive

The walkway leads you into Ive's side of the bridge

I wanted to make this side completely of glass, to reflect Ive's simplistic designs in his products

A series of spaces that can be used for office space and design labs, with the final cube being Ive's office.

The bridge- Lady Gaga

the walkway leads on to Lady Gaga's side of the bridge, where the elevator is the centre point

A closer look to the entrance, i wanted to express the theatricality of Gaga, through the design of her side

A series of Hexagonal prisms that interlink with each other to create office spaces

The Sphere in the back, would be where Gaga herself works

Dining Table

My design of the dining table is influenced by my understanding that power is about one's influence. I felt that the round table is a representation of this idea as it connects all those sitting around it together, my initial idea was to have the seat of Gaga and Ive elevated above the rest, but in the end i decided that power is about connection with those around you and the influence you make, so i felt that the idea of having a round table where Gaga and Ive can sit amongst others was much better then placing them above.

The dining place is located adjacent the bridge, the elevators bring you down to the level below and  i decided to have more then one set of the round table.


I used the sphere as the shape of the elevator because I felt that it was a strong representation of power. It  represents the earth and the sun. The simplistic design of the elevator reflects Apple products, while the unique shape (as most modern elevators are a rectangular prism) and the almost "eye" like representation, is a reflection of Gaga's theatricality. 

I considered how the sphere could transport you from above to below and  i decided to contain it in a cylindrical tube. I was influenced by the Television show futurama where they transport through the tube like structures, in the future. I felt that this was interesting reflection of Jonathan Ives work as a lot of his products reflects the technology of tomorrow.








One point Perspectives- words read clockwise

bold, reflective, creative

centred, dominant, shadowed

direct, unique, floating

defined, grounded, flight

solid, bustling, deep

joined, simple, adjoining 


Crysis model, I mainly focused on having a ruff illustration of the V shape seen in the Kings River Valley
 Kings River Valley 

Experiment 3- Article mashup

Lady Gaga                                    Jonathan Ive                              Oprah Winfrey

Power is the ability to create an influence, through one’s persona, accomplishments, knowledge, experience and their ability to speak to the people. In the modern society power is strongly influenced by the social media, where the use of “Twitter and Facebook to work the "little monsters" into a frenzy that leads to record sales and media attention.”[1] When one stands out and has a voice, they establish a sense of power, their persona can be a “tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.”[2] The complexity of society can be eased by the intuitive and influence as well as the stripped…complexity [from] technology and moving…much of the high-tech industry—toward…the ‘utterly serene’.”[3] As technology plays a major role in the distribution of power, those who can yield and influence through technology are able to assert a sense of power.  Power can be seen as “ a roundhouse, a full course meal, big, brassy, loud, aggressive, hyper, laughable, lovable , soulful, tender, low-down, earthy and hungry,” [4] therefore in order to acquire a sense of power one must have a voice that meets the voice of the people. To be unique and stand out, so that you can be heard and thus acquire an influence to those who aspire to be you, who respect and appreciate you for who you are. A person’s view on the issues concerning society and how they see and approach such issues is a key aspect of what gives them power. To have power, one must empathise and associate themselves with the common people, without being dictating, but more as their voice in the world; to explore every aspect of modern society and leave a mark. Power is the ability to inspire those around us and in order to maintain power, our continuing passion and purpose…allows [us] to sustain [our] popularity.”[5] The ability to redefine how we use feel and experience technology, or music or social issues is a representation of one’s power. Whether it be through “elegant, intuitive machinery,”[6] the feminine brand,”[7] or a “cultural icon, philanthropist, media maven and outspoken political advocates.” [8]