Monday 24 October 2011

photomontage: photomontage

idea 2 montage, this had alot of influence from my yr 12 body of work, but after some feedback i knew this wasn't the way to go.

Being new to photoshop i wasn't very confident using it, through this process ive learnt some basics of photoshop and hopefully in time i will learn much more. I did have alot of trouble with saturations and also i realised i needed to take the picture of the model with a higher mega pixel camera.

photomontage: flip book

I enjoyed making the flipbook, i found that by taking photos of the model, it helped with the thought process of my flip book. Also I felt if i included some more pages, it would of worked much better.

photomontage: flip book experiements

idea 1, experimental flip book

idea 2, experimental flipbook
I just played with different materials and mediums, in the end i realised using magazines and newspapers was much better.

Arch 1142 communications: photomontage

idea one, i wanted to explore the concept of voids

idea two, i wanted to still look at voids but also at the idea of mass and how it can defy gravity

idea three, i looked at mass again but also at emptiness
I struggled to stick to one idea/model, which greatly effected my overall work. However it has taught me that i should always try stick it out with the initial idea and instead of trying to remodel it, i can do drawings instead, which would save me time.

Drawing: in class task

These in class drawing exercises was very interesting, it was interesting to work with negative spaces and also drawing blind was something new.

drawing: final rendered drawings

Final drawings, i had rendered onto my original drawings, therefore i don't have my original pencil drawings to show. I felt this was a wrong choice because i had made a few mistakes, which i attempted to fix. If i had photocopied my drawings i would of been able to correct them better. Also with these drawings i chose to use water colour paint instead of pencils, i just felt more confident using paint instead of pencil.
I also learned an interesting technique from my uncle, to stop the paper from wrinkling. I simply used a damp cloth and wiped the back of the drawing, i applied pva glue to the 4 sides of the paper and then glued it down to a large plank of wood. Then with a hair-dryer i dried the paper out, from here i applied my water colour paint, and once complete i cut off the edges. This technique worked and it stopped the paper from wrinkling, as i found it did do with the practice renderings.
Overall this course gave me a good introduction to drawing and rendering. Particularly rending, i previously never realised the vast amount of different types of renderings out here and how these different types could influence the ideas in a drawing.

drawing: practice renderings

Some practice renderings i did, i experimented with watercolour pencils and pen.

Arch 1142 communications: Drawing

In class task 1, I found this particularly difficult, to be able to visualise how the plans would look, as my first model from 'model it' was very unusual. This challenged my way of thinking in relation to drawing plans, i felt it was a good exercise for my mind.

model making: fisher house model

This model should of been the best model ive made all session, however i was extremely disappointed at my model. Mainly because i had underestimated how long a 1:50 model would take, there were parts of the model i felt worked but on a whole it really wasn't the model i wished to have made, or the model i knew i could of done. It taught me that i should manage my time better.
This program has also improved my knowledge with scale, initially at the start i had no clue at all, but after each model i began to get it much more.
On the whole its given me a good introduction to model making, ive come to learn that uhu glue is much better (in my opinion) then pva glue. As well as how ideas can be expressed through models, in relation to material choice and the way we present and make them.

model making: in class task 3

actually never managed to finish this task in class, this should of been my first hint that 1:50 models are much more time consuming, which i soon found out for my next assignment.
This task showed that we don't always have to model the entire building, that we can model certain parts which have interesting ideas, ideas that we want to illustrate.

Model making: Fisher house site model

The site model, i learnt that although sandpapering make it appear smoother, i should always be careful im not sanding off to much. Also that polystyrene balls draw to much attention as trees.