Monday 24 October 2011

drawing: final rendered drawings

Final drawings, i had rendered onto my original drawings, therefore i don't have my original pencil drawings to show. I felt this was a wrong choice because i had made a few mistakes, which i attempted to fix. If i had photocopied my drawings i would of been able to correct them better. Also with these drawings i chose to use water colour paint instead of pencils, i just felt more confident using paint instead of pencil.
I also learned an interesting technique from my uncle, to stop the paper from wrinkling. I simply used a damp cloth and wiped the back of the drawing, i applied pva glue to the 4 sides of the paper and then glued it down to a large plank of wood. Then with a hair-dryer i dried the paper out, from here i applied my water colour paint, and once complete i cut off the edges. This technique worked and it stopped the paper from wrinkling, as i found it did do with the practice renderings.
Overall this course gave me a good introduction to drawing and rendering. Particularly rending, i previously never realised the vast amount of different types of renderings out here and how these different types could influence the ideas in a drawing.

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