Monday 24 October 2011

model making: fisher house model

This model should of been the best model ive made all session, however i was extremely disappointed at my model. Mainly because i had underestimated how long a 1:50 model would take, there were parts of the model i felt worked but on a whole it really wasn't the model i wished to have made, or the model i knew i could of done. It taught me that i should manage my time better.
This program has also improved my knowledge with scale, initially at the start i had no clue at all, but after each model i began to get it much more.
On the whole its given me a good introduction to model making, ive come to learn that uhu glue is much better (in my opinion) then pva glue. As well as how ideas can be expressed through models, in relation to material choice and the way we present and make them.

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